Suicide Rate in CISF Falls Below National Average

Pic Source: @CISFHQrs
Delhi: In a significant achievement, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has reported a 40% decline in suicides among its personnel. According to the latest data released by the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) , the CISF’s suicide rate has fallen to 9.87 per lakh in 2024, compared to 16.98 per lakh in 2023.
This remarkable reduction has brought the CISF’s suicide rate below the national average of 12.4 per lakh, as reported in 2022. The achievement is a testament to the proactive measures implemented by the CISF to address mental health issues and reduce stress among its personnel.
The CISF has taken a multi-pronged approach to tackle the issue of suicides. Commanding officers regularly visit duty posts to foster direct communication and identify signs of distress. Yoga classes, games sessions, and online grievance portals have also been introduced to promote mental well-being.
Project Mann, a 24×7 tele-counseling and personal counseling service, has been instrumental in providing support to CISF personnel. Since its inception, the project has helped over 4,200 personnel.
In addition, the CISF has collaborated with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, to conduct a comprehensive mental health study. The study has provided actionable recommendations for improving mental health, which are being implemented at the unit level.
The CISF has also introduced a new posting policy to ensure better work-life balance for its personnel. The policy allows for choice-based postings, taking into account the personal preferences and needs of the personnel.
The CISF’s commitment to supporting the well-being and mental health of its personnel has been instrumental in achieving this significant reduction in suicides. As the force continues to prioritize the mental health of its members, it sets a positive example for other organizations to follow.