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Finland and India Celebrate 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations

The Embassy of Finland in New Delhi hosted a grand reception on September 10, 2024, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Finland and India. The event highlighted the deep and multifaceted partnership that has developed over the past seven and a half decades.

Guests of honor included Sl Tanmaya Lal, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, and Ambassador of Finland to India,  Kimmo Lähdevirta. The evening featured addresses from Ambassador Lähdevirta and Sakari Puisto, Chairperson of the Commerce Committee of the Parliament of Finland.

Ambassador Lähdevirta emphasized the historical ties between Finland and India, noting that these strong foundations have enabled the two countries to build a dynamic and evolving partnership. 

“Today, our partnership is more robust than ever. We have ventured into strategic dialogues encompassing crucial areas like digitalization, education, sustainability, and innovation—or DESI, as we fondly call our approach. This framework, based on the Joint Declaration made by our Prime Ministers during their 2021 meeting, has set the stage for deepened cooperation in ICT, education, and environmental sustainability. These pillars not only reflect our shared vision for the future but also symbolize our commitment to building a resilient, forward-looking partnership. We look forward to taking this relationship to new heights in the years ahead,” said Ambassador Lähdevirta.

Sakari Puisto, Chairperson of the Commerce Committee of the Parliament of Finland, underscored the importance of economic ties, with over 100 Finnish companies operating in India and foreign direct investments amounting to over 4 billion euros.

“We are keen to expand our cooperation in talent attraction, offering excellent opportunities for both students and experts. Our cultural and people-to-people exchanges, including tourism, are flourishing. Direct flights between Helsinki and New Delhi by our national carrier, Finnair, have greatly facilitated travel between our countries.” said Sakari

A special video message from Finland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Elina Valtonen, was played during the reception, emphasizing Finland’s commitment to strengthening ties with India.

The evening featured a cake-cutting ceremony, a cultural performance by students from the World University of Design (WUD), and a raffle draw offering a round-trip flight between Delhi and Helsinki. Guests enjoyed live jazz music and a curated buffet featuring Indian and Finnish delicacies.

The reception celebrated the longstanding Finland-India partnership and the promising future that lies ahead. Since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations on September 10, 1949, Finland and India have built a robust and multifaceted partnership across diverse sectors.

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